Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Hey! I have a new website up and will continue my blog there. New new page is simply called It's very pretty, hope you like it, feel free to give me feedback! See you over there! <3


Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hey:) Spring has just began and that makes me a happy girl. It's getting a little bit colder the next few days, but it's been super sunny and beautiful lately. It's impossible not to be happy when it's sunny. 

February was an awesome month, as it is every year. I'm starting to think that it's my attitude that makes it so good, February just can't go wrong. Maybe I should think every month is my favorite. On the 28th of February Ken and I as a couple turned two years old! It's our anniversary and it was a great one. Ken gave me a book called Vogue Unseen which was a book filled with pictures taken for the magazine, but didn't make the cut. With each picture there is a small text telling the story behind it and who took it, it's so cool. Ken is an expert at gift giving!

One of my new years resolutions were to become more active so I've decided to post what I've been up to. I'm using a website and app called Endomondo. The app is called Endomondo Sports Tracker and you can find it for both Android and iPhone. It can track all sorts of stuff (walking, running, horse riding, tennis and so on. You can even track wheelchair!). On the website there is a calender with all the workouts you've had that looks like this: 

 So this is what I've been up to in February. As you can see I've been doing a lot of walking and the "fat little person" (as Ken called it) is yoga. 

Yoga is pretty new to me, I only started properly this year and so far I'm loving it! I've tried it once or twice in the past, but I have never stuck with it. I have an absolutely amazing app on my iPhone that gives me ready made yoga lessons as if you were in a class and that makes it so easy. I love doing it first thing in the morning so I think it's easier than going to a gym to take a class. I can do it whenever it suits me. It has lots of different classes from beginner to advanced, strength to relaxation and 15 min to 60 min ones. You can also make your own classes. It's called Yoga Studio, it costs, but very little. I think it's a very helpful investment and cost far less than regular yoga classes. If you want more information here is their website:

So yeah. In the end of each month I will post my monthly calendar like that and show what I've done. I figured that will give me the extra push to exercise, it'd be embarrassing to show you an empty month.  

My dad's iPad2 was dropped on the floor and the sound button was acting funny after that. He decided to get a new iPad3 which made me very happy because that usually means his old one is mine and this time was no exception. I'm loving having an iPad. I had iPad1 before that and I was sharing it with Ken, but I didn't use it that much for some reason. Ken came to me out of the blue one day and ordered one year subscription of American Vogue for the iPad! I didn't read it so much on the old one, I think I like having my own iPad because it's a bit more personal or something. I'm using it more than my computer and I'm reading Vogue almost every day. It even has a front camera and I had to try it out straight away of course!

It turned out great. I love the big screen, I'm totally hooked on it. 

The other day I was hanging out at my friends, Jenny and Julie's house. They both have horses and Julie asked me if I wanted to ride her horse the next day and of course I said yes! I had so much fun, I miss riding a lot so it's like heaven when I get to do it. I didn't want it to end at all. Later on Karoline asked me if I wanted to ride her horse the day after! My lucky day!! At first I didn't think I could because I had an appointment in the evening, but Julie was kind enough to drive me to the appointment afterwards so I just made it.

Waiting to be picked up to go to the stable
Sweet Zander:)
And Filago!
Karoline trained him well, he even knows how to pose:)

Ken took all the photos that wasn't obviously taken by me.  So needless to say I've had a good few days!

I've watched two Audrey Hepburn movies too btw. I watched Charade and Two For The Road. They were both great, but especially Charade is one you just have to see. It's so funny! 

That's it! Hope the weather where you are is as nice as it is here! 

Lots of love:)