Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heart of a Horse

After we moved my dad had to go away for work so me and Ken decided to unpack and finish the the living room completely. It took all of Monday, but we did it. My dad seemed happy and surprised so it was worth it. I've set up all my things and tried to fit all my clothes in to the closets while leaving some space for Ken too, so tricky! There is a lot left to do, but that can wait, at least a day or two. We took before and after shots of the living room, but I'll have to show you later as they're not on my computer yet.

Yesterday I did my last day in the theory course for my driving license. I have to come back in March and do two more days though as I missed some when I was ill. I didn't have to take the course, but I figured it was wise, I'm so nervous about the test. Some of the things they went through on the course was pretty straight forward and easy, but some of the things I think I would never have remembered on my own if someone didn't explain it to me so I'm happy I did it.

Today Ken and I decided to go for a walk and eat dinner at a shopping center nearby. We just wanted to check it out and stuff. We had so much fun as usual and took loads of photos. Ken is my private photographer, haha! He's great at it so I'm lucky!

My handsome photographer boyfriend
 If you are interested in horses, by the way, I'm following a page on facebook called Heart of a Horse that posts amazing photos of horses. They also post stories from fans. First I thought it was one of those stories that are like "I loved a horse once then I lost it and if you like my post I might magically get it back or at least see that someone cares", but no. They just post sweet stories about people who love their horses. Yesterday they posted a photo of a painting that was so beautiful I just had to save it. They post such beautiful photos several times a day so it's like the best page I ever liked.

Only 3 days till I turn 21!

Lots of love:)


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